
Welcome at Straßenkindergarten Leipzig


We participate in the German Action Days on Sustainability


We support the declaration for a human rights oriented social and educational work

As a parent initia­ti­ve, we stand for an open socie­ty ori­en­ted towards human rights, live inclu­si­on and oppo­se exclusion.”–04-26_gemeinsame_Erklaerung_Menschenrechte.pdf [in Ger­man, exter­nal link]

We are moving…

For us, the Stra­ßen­kin­der­gar­ten, this means we will be moving end of 2023 to Lütz­ner Stra­ße in Lin­den­au. In the new buil­ding we will expand our size to 81 child­ren, inclu­ding up to 9 child­ren with inte­gra­ti­on status.

At the new place we can even­tual­ly imple­ment seve­ral of our visi­ons: we will have our own kit­chen to cook our own meals and the­re will also be a „gar­den for litt­le explo­re­res“ to grow vege­ta­bles and herbs tog­e­ther with the child­ren. So our future Stra­ßen­kin­der­gar­ten child­ren can dis­co­ver from seed to table how our food is growing.

Opening hours

Mon­day to Fri­day 7 am to 5 pm

During 3rd and 4th week of sum­mer school holi­days 8 am to 4 pm

Clo­sing days in 2023:



16. + 17.03.2023

23. + 24.11.2023

The Straßenkindergarten

The Stra­ßen­kin­der­gar­ten is a par­ents’ initia­ti­ve with an own sup­port­ing asso­cia­ti­on, foun­ded alre­a­dy in 1993. It’s a place for adults and child­ren to meet, feel com­for­ta­ble and inspi­re each other in the sen­se of a holi­stic deve­lo­p­ment. This hap­pens within the frame­work of fami­ly-sup­port­ing work as well as a part­ner­ship-based col­la­bo­ra­ti­on of all members.

The invol­vement of par­ents and the co-deter­mi­na­ti­on of child­ren are the sup­port­ing pil­lars of our con­cept. The edu­ca­tors see them­sel­ves as com­pa­n­ions and faci­li­ta­tors as well as ins­ti­ga­tors for the child­ren and the­r­e­fo­re crea­te an atmo­sphe­re which is allo­wing space for individuality.

In Stra­ßen­kin­der­gar­ten, child­ren and their fami­lies are wel­co­me, regard­less of their ori­gin, reli­gi­on, gen­der, social sta­tus and spe­cial phy­si­cal, men­tal and spi­ri­tu­al con­di­ti­ons. We stand for inclu­si­on and oppo­se exclusion.