Our Association

Our asso­cia­ti­on has been foun­ded in 1993 by a par­ents’ initia­ti­ve. The long­stan­ding suc­cess is based on the most important fea­tures of the Stra­ßen­kin­der­gar­ten: the child-ori­en­ted, situa­ti­on-ori­en­ted and life-ori­en­ted pedago­gi­cal approach as well as the fami­ly-like cha­rac­ter of the institution.

The day care cent­re is sup­port­ed by an asso­cia­ti­on which has ent­rus­ted the direc­tor, Anke Die­ter, with the pedago­gi­cal and busi­ness manage­ment of the kindergarten.

The sta­tu­tes of the Stra­ßen­kin­der­gar­ten are available for down­load as a PDF file (in German).

Our executive board

Parents currently active on the board:

Katha­ri­na Fried­rich (Chair)
Julia­ne Zen­ner (Co Chair)
Car­la Lie­big (Tre­asurer)
Julia Böh­nisch
Ruth Kusch­ke
Anne Halt
Anna Woll­nik

Board interns:

Vale­rie Mayer

You can cont­act the exe­cu­ti­ve board via e‑mail: vorstand@strassenkindergarten.de.