

Federal program Sprach-Kitas

Sin­ce Febru­ary 2017, the Street Kin­der­gar­ten has been par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the fede­ral pro­gram “Sprach-Kitas: Weil Spra­che der Schlüs­sel zur Welt ist” (Lan­guage Kitas: Becau­se Lan­guage is the Key to the World) of the Fede­ral Minis­try for Fami­ly Affairs, Seni­or Citi­zens, Women and Youth.

It builds on the expe­ri­ence gai­ned from the fede­ral pro­gram “Schwer­punkt-Kitas Spra­che & Inte­gra­ti­on” (2011–2015) and fur­ther deve­lo­ps the approa­ches suc­cessful­ly tes­ted the­re. The other focal points of the fede­ral pro­gram “Sprach-Kitas” are inclu­si­ve pedago­gy and coope­ra­ti­on with families.


You can sup­port the work of the Stra­ßen­kin­der­gar­ten e.V. with a dona­ti­on. Plea­se trans­fer your dona­ti­on with the refe­rence “dona­ti­on” to this account:

Stra­ßen­kin­der­gar­ten e.V.
Bank for Social Eco­no­my
IBAN DE14 3702 0500 0003 4977 00

If you would like to recei­ve a dona­ti­on receipt, plea­se add your name and pos­tal address in the reason for transfer.

For dona­ti­ons in kind, plea­se cont­act the manage­ment directly.